Digitization/Scanning service
ADA follows the Federal Agencies Digitization Guidelines Initiative technical guidelines, methodologies, and practices. Archivist Ailina Rose is skilled in the careful handling of rare and fragile collections with a unique archival specialty and understanding of dance collections. Customized services and quality control are extremely important to allow the Client to have a high-quality digital replica of the archival materials for many years to come.
Step 1: Evaluation of materials to ensure there are no risks of damage while transporting or scanning.
Step 2: Non-destructive color scanning of archival materials using a reputable overhead scanning system. Each page will be scanned at a high-resolution of 600 DPI and saved as a TIFF image file (the archival standard).
Step 3: A basic inventory logging the scope and contents of the materials will be created.
Step 4: Final scans will be transferred to an external hard-drive purchased by client. Additional copies can be made on other hard drives for additional cost.
Step 1: Evaluation of materials to ensure there are no risks of damage while transporting or scanning.
Step 2: Non-destructive color scanning of archival materials using a reputable overhead scanning system. Each page will be scanned at a high-resolution of 600 DPI and saved as a TIFF image file (the archival standard).
Step 3: A basic inventory logging the scope and contents of the materials will be created.
Step 4: Final scans will be transferred to an external hard-drive purchased by client. Additional copies can be made on other hard drives for additional cost.
Rehousing service
Archivist Ailina Rose is skilled in the careful handling of rare and fragile collections with a unique archival specialty and understanding of dance collections. Customized services and quality materials are extremely important to allow the Client to have their Original archival materials stored in a safe environment to extend their longevity.
Step 1: Evaluation and risk assessment of materials to determine material types, high-risk items, and general material needs.
Step 2: Purchase of basic archival supplies such as document boxes and non-acidic folders needed to house the materials in a cost-effective and safe method for future use and transport. Recommended: purchase of custom boxes for unusual/oversize/fragile materials.
Step 3: Rehouse the archival materials into archival folders and boxes for safekeeping.
Step 4: Create a general inventory logging the location of the materials by box or folder. A crucial step for locating materials and assisting future owners of the content of the boxes.
Step 5: Labeling of boxes to correspond with inventory list.
Step 1: Evaluation and risk assessment of materials to determine material types, high-risk items, and general material needs.
Step 2: Purchase of basic archival supplies such as document boxes and non-acidic folders needed to house the materials in a cost-effective and safe method for future use and transport. Recommended: purchase of custom boxes for unusual/oversize/fragile materials.
Step 3: Rehouse the archival materials into archival folders and boxes for safekeeping.
Step 4: Create a general inventory logging the location of the materials by box or folder. A crucial step for locating materials and assisting future owners of the content of the boxes.
Step 5: Labeling of boxes to correspond with inventory list.
Notes and rates
Notes: By using this scanning service, the Client is allowing for a digital copy of the archival materials to be kept by ADA. This serves as a safety precaution in case the Client’s copy is accidentally damaged or lost. Also allows for the Client to request additional copies of the digital archive from ADA in the future. The digital copy kept by ADA will only be used for research/educational purposes.
RATES: Affordable rate determined on a case-by-case basis after a consultation and evaluation of the materials. Rate based on the types of materials to be digitized, the amount of materials, and the projected time-frame needed. By far the most affordable service compared to other scanning companies, and the only one which caters primarily to dance collections.
RATES: Affordable rate determined on a case-by-case basis after a consultation and evaluation of the materials. Rate based on the types of materials to be digitized, the amount of materials, and the projected time-frame needed. By far the most affordable service compared to other scanning companies, and the only one which caters primarily to dance collections.